Queen Victoria Markets Melbourne – Food, Bargains & Atmosphere

The Queen Victoria markets Melbourne are worth visiting just for the experience.

They are locally know as the Vic Markets. They opened in 1878 and many of its halls date back to this time. They are the largest of the Melbourne markets and the largest in Australia.

Queen Victoria Market Front

The fish, meat and produce sections can be entertaining with the hustle and bustle of a truly multicultural atmosphere - and traders outdoing each other yelling out their specials.

The Queen Victoria market Melbourne is only a few minutes walk or tram ride from the city. Many Melburnians drive in early to buy their fresh food here - it is usually cheaper than the supermarkets.

It has a great organic section and every 1st Sunday of the runs an Organic Farmers Market, where you can meet the growers and food artisans.

Polish Deli at Queen Victoria Market

There is a whole hall for the Melbourne fish markets and meat stalls. The old Deli Hall is a mouth watering sensation with bakeries, cheese shops and European delicatessen.

You will find fine Greek, Italian and Polish foods at the Queen Victoria Markets Melbourne – and German bread. My favourite is the Polish butcher who sells authentic meats from all over Europe.

Then there is a great variety and quantity of fruit and vegetables, from bok choy to lychee nuts, bulk to organic.

Vegies at Queen  Victoria Markets Melbourne In another hall you find a huge array of bargain goods, clothing and leather - including fake designer clothes, bags and shoes.

There are sporting memorabilia, books, fabrics, jewellery, handicrafts and souvenirs.

If you are after Didgeridoos, boomerangs, spears, prints, cards or a bargain this is the place to go (if you don't mind some of these being made in China).

Stall at Queen Victoria Market

There are plenty of cafes for a quick lunch as well.

In the Melbourne Vic markets you can attend cooking classes or soak up the atmosphere with live music on Sundays.

Every summer Wednesday there is the Suzuki Night Market with lots of good food, natural health and craft stalls and live music. Cafe at Queen Victoria Market All in all, an incredible experience you don’t want to miss!

For opening times and programs check Queen Victoria Markets, Melbourne.

Here is information on the other Melbourne Markets that are great for food and bargain shopping.

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