
Australia Working Holiday Visa

If you are aged between 18-30 - and from an eligible country - you can apply for an Australia Working Holiday Visa.

This enables you to stay for up to 12 months, and engage in temporary or casual employment.

That way you can supplement your travel funds and have the opportunity to experience Australia or Melbourne first hand.

It is fairly easy to get casual jobs in Melbourne in hospitality or labouring, or seasonal work picking fruit, etc.

If you are a nurse, here is some travel nurse information, including nurse regulations, education and where to work in each Australian state.

On this visa, you have to enter Australia within 3 months of the visa grant date. However you have the opportunity to leave and re-enter the country as many times as you like within the year.

You can also study for up to 4 months.

There may be a limit of how many of these visa are granted each year. It’s important not to make any travel arrangements until your visa has been approved.

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